

Uniformed parking attendants are the scum of the earth.   They earn their living by ruining the lives of others.  In most cases they are employed by independent contractors who receive bonuses, depending on the number of tickets issued.  In fact, in many boroughs, attendants themselves receive performance bonuses, based on the number of tickets they write, a system which is unique in law enforcement anywhere in the western world.  Imagine what would happen if the police were paid bonuses, dependant on the number of criminals they caught?  How many people would be wrongly convicted, based on the word of a law enforcement officer who had a financial incentive to ensure conviction?  Clearly, the whole system is rotten and corrupt, and in need of reform.

Here are some little known facts about parking attendants which everyone should know:

At present, it seems that most of us, as decent citizens, tolerate their presence, and it is this toleration which has enabled them to flourish.  If this co-operation was withdrawn, their job would become much more difficult, and most of them would give up and go back on the dole, or do some other low IQ job, such as work in MacDonalds, or similar.

Here's how to make their life more difficult.

If you can think of any other ways of making life unpleasant for these swine, please let me know and I will post it on the website. 

(Please note:  I will not condone, and will never take part in, any activity which is in any way against the law.)

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